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Working Capital Management Case Study

We’ve worked on a number of Working Capital Improvement and Management Projects over the last 15 years – one working capital management case study we can share involved Shared Service Centre Set Up for a Leading Global Communications Hardware Manufacturer.

Shared Service Centre

Company – Leading Global Communications Hardware Manufacturer

Project Description – Shared Service Centre Set Up

Location – Europe, China, Indonesia and Vietnam

Working Capital Issues

  • The company were concerned that overdues would increase while migrating collection from countries to the new Shared Service Centers (SSCs).

JustOne Actions Undertaken

  • A short Discovery assignment was undertaken in Europe to identify potential benefits and key steps to deliver successful migration.
  • JustOne trained the SSC collectors on Leading Practice collections and credit management.
  • JustOne facilitate workshops in each country with the sales team and visiting key countries to ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities and local management buy in to the process.
  • Once the majority of European countries had passed their collection activities we undertook the same exercise in Beijing including country visits to China, Indonesia and Vietnam.
  • JustOne also worked with entities in Latin America to help overcome resistance to the migration of collection to Europe.


Four months after the project overdues in Europe were down by 66%.

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